If you've been watching the Intune Whats New page closely, you may have noticed you can now use Intune to push down applications to MacOS devices. This is a quick post on how to achieve that – We'll use Skype for Business as the example app.
The IT admin process is pretty straight forward but I must admit I tripped on a couple of syntax issues the first time I did this so I'll blog it here with some syntax to save you some time. Your welcome
Step 1 – Get the app package (.pkg file)
First you need to acquire the app as a .pkg file.
(If the app is supplied by the software developer as a .dmg file instead you might need to use the pkgbuild utility on a Mac to package it into a pkg format.)
On a Mac, Logon to http://portal.office.com as a user licensed for Office 365 Pro Plus and download the Skype for Business .pkg file.
Step 2 – Convert it to a format that Intune understands (.intunemac)
On a Mac, download the Intune app wrapping tool from Github ( https://github.com/msintuneappsdk/intune-app-wrapping-tool-mac)
Once you have it downloaded, Open a Terminal session and navigate to the directory where the IntuneAppUtil tool was placed. Run this syntax to convert from .pkg to .intuneMac format
./IntuneAppUtil -c /Users/<Username>/Downloads/<appfilename.pkg> -o /Users/<Username>/Desktop/
(-c is the input file and -o is the output directory)
You now have an .intunemac file you can distribute with Intune
Step 3 – Upload to intune
In the Intune console, go to Mobile Apps> Apps>Add> Line-of-business App
Choose the .intunemac file to upload.
In the App Information blade, you can configure some metadata and add an icon.
Click Ok, and Add and wait for the app to be uploaded.
Step 4 – Assign it
Select the Skype for Business app, Assignments, then assign it to a User and/or Device group as a Required install.
(Note: At the time of writing this post, Available install isnt an option)
Don't forget to click save.
On Intune enrolled Mac's, Skype for Business will be installed seamlessly and be ready for use.
Tip: If you want to watch the progress of the install, open the Console utility on the Mac and filter for the Bundle ID. (For Skype this is com.microsoft.package.Microsoft_autoUpdate.app)