Some weeks ago I started a discussion on Codeplex requesting an option to upload your PowerShell scripts to the TechNet Script Center being part of the Microsoft PowerShell Script Browser.
.One of the main features in the Script Browser is to search, download, and learn script examples from the TechNet Script Center.
Until now most of the scripts I create are shared on Github.Mainly because it’s pretty simple to upload scripts to my Github repository. But the more scripts I and you upload to the Microsoft Script Center the more scripts can be found using the Script Browser.
So instead of waiting for some responses on my discussion thread on Codeplex I tried to create a PowerShell ISE Add-On which makes it easier to upload your scripts from the PowerShell ISE to the Script Center.
The wish list for this ISE Add-On was the following:
- You must be able to easily upload your PowerShell script from PowerShell ISE. Easily means without leaving the ISE and not having to type to much information on the Upload page.
- You must be able to navigate on the Upload page from within the ISE
- You must be able to insert the file name into the File Upload text box with one click
- You must be able to insert as much as possible information available in the script to the Description field.
As much as possible means the Script Comment Header information I always insert at the top of my PowerShell scripts.
After reading below documentation I created a beta version of the PowerShell Script Gallery ISE AddOn on Github.
You can test this beta version if you want.
- Download the file from the release folder.
- Unblock file.
- Extract to folder of choice.
- Run LoadScriptGalleryISEAddOn.ps1 from within the ISE.
In the next part of this blogpost I’ll describe the steps I followed to create this PowerShell ISE Add-On.
- TechNet: Windows PowerShell ISE Add-On tools
- Creating Add-ons, Plugins, and Tools for the PowerShell ISE
- Create a PowerShell v3 ISE Add-on Tool
- Script Gallery ISE Add-On project page
- Script Browser home page