PowerTip: Remove Spaces from Both Ends of String
Summary: Learn to use Windows PowerShell to remove spaces from both ends of a string. How can I use Windows PowerShell to remove spaces at both ends of a string? Use the Trim method from the...
View ArticleOperations Manager - How to create a Dynamic Distributed Application using...
This is a sample SC Operations Manager Management Pack (MP) that builds a Distributed Application (DA) dynamically based on a seed (registry key) discovery. This sample builds a DA based on SC...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure: Connecting multiple VNET's to a VNET.
IntroductionRecently, Microsoft has introduced a new feature in Microsoft Azure to allow a direct VPN connection between multiple Virtual Networks (VNets). In this blog post I will explain how to...
View ArticleIP V6 und die Microsoft Produkt Familie
Heute möchte ich gerne mal was zum Theme IP V6 los werden.Leider ranken sich um IPv6 viele Schauermärchen und diese würde ich gerne mit diesem Post beseitigen.In meiner Funktion als Lehrer für Windows...
View ArticleThe Microsoft TechNet Guru Awards! (June 2014)
All the votes are in! And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, June 2014! The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like...
View ArticleRMS SDK 4.0 is in GA now!
Hello Folks,The RMS team is excited to share with you the General Availability (GA) versions of our Android, iOS and OS X SDK 4.0! The new and powerful SDK 4.0 adds new features and capabilities that...
View ArticleWiki Ninjas International Blog Update - Portuguese and Turkish
If you are a Portuguese or Turkish speaker, then please check out one of our other Wiki Ninjas blogs!Here's what they've been up to recently!Wiki Ninjas Brasil Sexta-feira: Atualização Internacional da...
View ArticleWeekend Scripter: Exploring Powershell Profiles
Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, explores Windows PowerShell profiles and locations.Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the cool things about the weekend is that it provides...
View ArticleВыполнение cross join и транзакций между различными базами в In-Memory...
Внимательнопрочитав описание на In-memory базы данных мы можем обнаружить большое количество ограничений (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn247639.aspx),присутствующих в настоящее время. Часть...
View ArticleMoving the Public Folder Hierarchy During an Exchange 2007 and 2010 Migration
Before removing the last legacy Exchange server from the organization during an Exchange Server 2007 or 2010 transition you should move the Public Folder hierarchy from the Exchange 2003 Administrative...
View ArticlePowerTip: Find All PowerShell Profile Locations
Summary: Use the hidden properties of $profile to find Windows PowerShell profile locations. How can I find the path to Windows PowerShell profile locations on my computer? Use the –Force parameter...
View ArticleWeekend Scripter: Use PowerShell to Fix Broken Printer
Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, talks about using Windows PowerShell to fix a printer that keeps losing its duplexer.Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the cool things...
View ArticleTop Contributor Awards!!!! Richard takes the lead, while we peep into the...
Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...Richard Mueller leads the charts this week, with Peter right behind...
View ArticleCreating a PowerShell Script Gallery Upload Add-On – Part 1
Some weeks ago I started a discussion on Codeplex requesting an option to upload your PowerShell scripts to the TechNet Script Center being part of the Microsoft PowerShell Script Browser..One of the...
View ArticleFOPE auf EOP Migration–wie erhalte ich mein Admin Account
Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE, vormals EHS) war das frühere Service, um Exchange Server vor Spam und E-Mail Viren zu schützen. Das Service wurde mittlerweile umbenannt und heißt nun...
View Article在 Azure 上的 PHP 網站使用 Azure 的 Redis Cache 服務
Microsoft Azure 的網站服務可以讓 PHP 網站開發人員架設網站(參考教學課程),如果要在網站系統中使用 Cache 來提升系統效能,可以考慮 Azure 上的 Redis Cache 服務(目前在預覽階段)。建立 Redis Cache 服務要使用 Redis Cache,目前需要到預覽中的新版 Azure 管理介面來操作,在新增服務的選項中選擇 Redis...
View ArticleIT 生存技巧:在經濟衰退期管理 IT
在瞬息萬變的科技與商務世界中擔任 IT 經理,是一項吃力不討好的工作。投身於充滿變數的經濟浪潮中,危險重重。以下介紹生存方法。在過去的 10 年裡,IT 經理的使命是「降低成本」和「提高管理效率」。他們通過大量其他方式,嘗試從商業中榨取更大的收益。當管理 IT...
View ArticlePowerTip: Use PowerShell to Display Last Boot Time
Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to display last boot up time. How can I use Windows PowerShell to find the last time a workstation booted up? Use the WMI Class Win32_OperatingSystem and...
View ArticleApp-V 4: Factors that can cause Performance Issues with App-V 4.x Servers
For those of you still using App-V 4 (hopefully at least App-V 4.6 on the client side and 4.5 SP2 on the server side due to supportability) you may have been reading about how App-V 5 resolves a lot of...
View ArticleDomingo - Final de Semana Surpresa - Visual Studio ALM Brasil
Olá Comunidade Technet! Hoje é domingo e é dia de Final de Semana Surpresa.Nesse artigo, falarei sobre um evento que irá acontecer na sede da Microsoft em São Paulo nos próximos dias 29 e 30 de Agosto...
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