「パートナー様向け Microsoft Azure-Quick 問い合わせガイド」のご案内 【10/23更新】
Microsoft Azure に関するライセンス・お悩み別の問合わせ一覧を公開しました。 ぜひダウンロードして、お問い合わせの際のご参考にしてください。 ▼ ダウンロードはこちらから
View Article世界初、人工知能で中央銀行総裁の表情を解析してビジネスに応用も
人工知能による表情分析で経済の先行きを予測!そんなことが実現できるようになるかもしれません。野村證券金融経済研究所と米マイクロソフトとの共同研究で、インターネット上に公開されている日銀総裁の記者会見の映像を解析、喜び、中立、怒り、驚き、嫌悪感、軽蔑、悲しみ、恐怖の8つに分類される感情のスコアを計測しました。感情のスコア化には、マイクロソフトが提供する Microsoft Cognitive...
View ArticleKonference HyperCon 3.0
Třetí ročník konference HyperCon je otevřen registracím. Účastníky čekají témata nejen okolo Windows Server, virtualizace Hyper-V, GDPR a infrastruktura, bezpečnost, SQL 2017, Azure Containers. Vše...
View ArticlePeople Kısayolunun Kaldırılması
Windows 10 1709 kodlu sonbahar güncelleştirmesi içerisinde yer alan People uygulaması ile birlikte, uygulama ve kontaklara hızlı ulaşım sağlanabilmesi için kullanılan bir taskbar kısayolu...
View ArticleSharePoint Tidbit – The unofficial RSS for O365 Roadmap
Hello All, Let me say this again this is unofficial and not maintained by Microsoft, but has a nice feature that it is an RSS Feed (Which I like as I can pull them into outlook and consume like an...
View ArticleOffice 365 Weekly Digest | October 15- 21, 2017
Welcome to the October 15 - 21, 2017 edition of the Office 365 Weekly Digest. Only a handful of additions to the Office 365 Roadmap last week, but there is a significant one to highlight - "Target...
View ArticleОкончание жизненного цикла Project 2007
10 октября 2017 года завершился жизненный цикл Project 2007. Это значит, что Майкрософт больше не предоставляет новые функции, исправления и обновления системы безопасности для всех перечисленных...
View ArticleMedientage München 2017: Ein Blick in die Zukunft von Mixed Reality und...
Mehr als 100 Panels, 400 Speaker, 6000 Besucher und 80 Aussteller – das bedeutet, es ist wieder Zeit für die Medientage München. Vom 24. bis 26. Oktober 2017 sind wir dort mit verschiedenen Panels und...
View ArticleIntroducing Windows Defender Application Control
Application control is a crucial line of defense for protecting enterprises given today’s threat landscape, and it has an inherent advantage over traditional antivirus solutions. Specifically,...
View ArticleMaking Microsoft Edge the most secure browser with Windows Defender...
Innovation in the attack space is constant as adversaries increase in both determination and sophistication. In response to increased investments in defense, attackers are adapting and improving...
View ArticleWindows Defender Exploit Guard: Reducing the attack surface with...
Windows Defender Exploit Guard is a new set of intrusion prevention capabilities that ships with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. The four components of Windows Defender Exploit Guard are designed...
View ArticleCollaboration highlights from Ignite – what’s in it for you?
There's a raft of blogs and articles out there about what's been announced at Ignite 2017, but I wanted to share a quick update with some exciting key highlights, links to videos, PPT's and articles...
View ArticleUpdated SharePoint Server 2016 Architectural Models poster
The SharePoint Server 2016 Architectural Models poster describes the key configurations for SharePoint, including SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server 2016 in Microsoft Azure and on-premises, for...
View ArticleAsk the team that built SQL Server 2017 anything on October 25, 2017
Hi! We’re Travis Wright and Tobias Ternstrom from the Microsoft SQL Server engineering team and we along with other members of the team are hosting a Reddit Ask Me Anything session on /r/Database,...
View ArticleTroubleshooting Transport Rules that are set to “Do not audit”
When creating a transport rule, please…. PLEASE, do not disable auditing. Your rule auditing setting should not look like this. Unless of course, you have a security mandate about not auditing...
View ArticleConfiguring a Hyper-V Host with PowerShell DSC (Part 1)
Hello, my name is Michael Godfrey and I am a Platform's Premier Field Engineer (PFE) at Microsoft. I have been a Fabric Administrator for the past few years and have made it a habit of building quite a...
View ArticleSharePoint: Profile Synchronization – some users are missing their manager
Important: This little quirk only occurs with the “SharePoint Profile Synchronization” (aka: FIM Sync) option in SharePoint 2010 and 2013. It does not occur with the “Active Directory Import” (aka: AD...
View ArticleWindows 10 Blue Screens (BSOD) after Applying Monthly Updates
Hello again fellow Windows 10 users! I'd like to dedicate this post to discussing a reoccurring problem that I am seeing crop up in more and more customer environments as of late. Before I get too...
View ArticleWhy do I need Azure AD?
This is an Ice breaker and a question I get all the time and I see it maybe in the same way an electrician would see it 100 years ago... Today we all know about its benefits and mostly take it for...
View ArticleIntroducing Idle Session Timeout in SharePoint and OneDrive (Coming to Preview)
There’s a new culture of work; one that is increasingly diverse, geographically distributed, and mobile. Connectivity is ubiquitous and the ability to work remotely has become an ingrained part of the...
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