[GDPRDemopalooza] PII aus Office Metadaten entfernen
Basierend auf der GDPR / DSGVO Demopalooza hier das Demo zum Entfernen von PII aus Office Dokumenten. Wie immer aufgeteilt in zwei Bereiche: Das "Why" und das "How" Why Bei der DSGVO geht es nicht nur...
View ArticleOffice Online と Office デスクトップ アプリケーションの機能差異に関する情報
こんにちは、Office サポートです。 今回の投稿では、Office Online と Office デスクトップ アプリケーションの機能差異に関する情報について、現在公開されている公開資料を中心にご紹介いたします。 以下の資料は、2018 年 3 月 27 日時点の情報になります。 目次 1. 全般 2. Excel 関連資料 3. Word 関連資料 4. PowerPoint 関連資料...
View ArticleHyper-V VM Import–Know Before You Go
Importing VMs from one host to another can run into issues due differences in the configuration of the hosts. A common issue is that a virtual switch does not exist on the new Hyper-V host. While it...
View ArticleTraining Many Anomaly Detection Models using Azure Batch AI
This post is authored by Said Bleik, Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft. In the IoT world, it's not uncommon that you'd want to monitor thousands of devices across different sites to ensure normal...
View ArticleStorage Spaces Direct: 10,000 clusters and counting!
It’s been 18 months since we announced general availability of Windows Server 2016, the first release to include Storage Spaces Direct, software-defined storage for the modern hyper-converged...
View ArticleWindows 10 and File Recovery
There were a lot of features in Windows 10 that were "different" to previous versions, and some changes were cosmetic, some were more useful. Among one of the most useful features I found was something...
View ArticleField Learnings: Automate alerts for updates from the Surface Blog for IT Pros
An important practice for success with Surface in your organization is to stay up to date with firmware and Surface news for IT Pros. The Surface Blog for IT Pros is your main source of latest updates...
View ArticleNuevo acuerdo solar adelanta el programa de creación de una nube más limpia
Por: Brad Smith, Presidente y Director Jurídico Hace dos años, nos establecimos incrementar nuestro uso de energías renovables para dar energía a los centros de datos y operaciones que soportan nuestra...
View ArticleUsing the mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute to fix sync issues to Office 365/AAD.
By Cesar Hara, Victor Santana and Caio Cesar Greetings everyone! Today we are going to cover a very interesting way to troubleshoot user synchronization issues to Office 365 (Azure Active Directory)....
View ArticleDer KI-Faktor
Logbucheintrag 180327: 55 Prozent der Deutschen, das hat jetzt eine Studie aufgedeckt, glauben, noch nie etwas mit künstlicher Intelligenz zu tun gehabt zu haben. Lediglich 15 Prozent sind sich sicher,...
View ArticleSecurity baseline for Windows 10 v1803 “Redstone 4” – DRAFT
Microsoft is pleased to announce the draft release of the security configuration baseline settings for the upcoming Windows 10 version 1803, codenamed “Redstone 4.” Please evaluate this proposed...
View ArticlePowerPivot for SharePoint 2016 – Email notifications are not sent for...
You may encounter an issue with email notifications not getting sent for scheduled data refresh failures of PowerPivot workbooks in PowerPivot for SharePoint 2016. This error is caused by a bug in...
View ArticleSupport-Info: (CONNECTORS): How to work around the “Replicate Directory...
PRODUCTS INVOLVED Forefront Identity Manager 2010, R2, R2 SP1 Microsoft Identity Manager 2016, SP1 COMPONENTS INVOLVED Active Directory Management Agent GalSync Management Agent PROBLEM SCENARIO...
View ArticleOh no!!! That ninja’s going to slice open the sun!!!! (Wiki Life)
No! I'm serious! Someone stop that Wiki Ninja! He's about to slice open the sun: I know what you're thinking... You're thinking, "Hey, Ed. You know that Wiki Ninja who's about to slice open the sun?"...
View ArticleJuntos, la IA y la naturaleza protegen los sistemas hidráulicos de la Tierra...
Por: Josh Henretig, Director Senior de Sustentabilidad Ambiental en Microsoft. Cada 22 de marzo, el mundo enfoca su atención en el agua. El tema de este año para el Día Mundial del Agua es “Nature for...
View Article「チャネル イネーブルメント」について掘り下げる 【3/28更新】
(この記事は2017年12月20日にMicrosoft Partner Network blog に掲載された記事 Deep dive into channel enablement の翻訳です。最新情報についてはリンク元のページをご参照ください。) チャネル イネーブルメントとは、営業活動の改善を目指す「セールス...
View ArticleMarch 2018 Exchange Security Updates–Have You Updated?
Patch Tuesday this month featured updates to address security issues in Exchange 2010, 2013 and 2016. Tuesday the 13th heralded the arrival of Rollup Update Rollup 20 (RU20) for Exchange Server 2010...
View ArticleInstalando e configurando o Cloud Distribution Point – Parte 1 – Certificados
Vamos explorar agora em uma série de dois posts, o Cloud Distribution Point. O Cloud Distribution Point pode armazenar conteúdo e disponibilizá-lo para clientes do Configuration Manager localizados...
View ArticleArmene kan næsten ikke komme ned igen…
Leder Af Morten Ovesen Jesper Balslev og Ole Sejer Iversen drøftede for nogle uger siden på DR2 Deadline Balslev bog, "Kritik af den digitale fornuft - i uddannelse" Og selvom jeg ikke er helt enig i,...
View ArticleVil du gerne realisere dit digitale potentiale?
I Microsoft vil vi gerne hjælpe vores kunder med at lykkes med jeres kerneforretning - undervisningen og læringen. Derfor er det glædeligt for mig at kunne præsenterer forskellige arrangementer, hvor...
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