Azure の監視サービスの新たな購入方法をご紹介
執筆者: Shiva Sivakumar (Director of Progam Management, Azure Monitoring & Diagnostics) このポストは、2018 年 4 月 3 日に投稿された Introducing a new way to purchase Azure monitoring services の翻訳です。...
View Article柔軟性が強化された Azure SQL Database の新しい購入モデル
執筆者: Alexander (Sasha) Nosov (Principal Program Manager, Azure SQL Database) このポストは、2018 年 4 月 4 日に投稿された A flexible new way to purchase Azure SQL Database の翻訳です。 このたびマイクロソフトは、Azure SQL Database...
View ArticleTroubleshooting Using Ring Buffers
Working at a customer site, and I happened to notice that the Exception ring buffer contained a lot (and I mean A.L.O.T.) of errors. Ring Buffers were introduced in SQL 2008, and contain a fixed size...
View ArticleTip of the Day: Microsoft HoloLens and the Commercial Suite
Today's tip... Hopefully you’ve had the opportunity to test out the Microsoft HoloLens, “…the first fully self-contained holographic computer running Windows 10.” Microsoft HoloLens runs either Windows...
View ArticleWhy can I browse the network with discovery off?
Quick Tip: You open up file explorer and you click on network and you can browse items but you have network discovery turned off. Why???? I'm sure the first thing you do is to check that network...
View ArticleSFB online Client Sign in and Authentication Deep Dive ;Part 2
Scenario: Pure Online (O365) environment, SFB user is homed Online, NO ADFS, MA (Modern Auth) is Enabled in O365 NOTE: I have tried my best to ensure the information below is accurate. Some of the...
View ArticleSFB online Client Sign in and Authentication Deep Dive ;Part 1
Scenario: Pure Online (O365) environment, SFB user is homed Online, NO ADFS, MA (Modern Auth) is Disabled in O365 NOTE: I have tried my best to ensure the information below is accurate. Some of the...
View ArticleSFB online Client Sign in and Authentication Deep Dive ;Part 3
Scenario: Pure Online (O365) environment, SFB user is homed Online, ADFS is Configured, MA (Modern Auth) is Disabled in O365 NOTE: I have tried my best to ensure the information below is accurate. Some...
View ArticleSFB online Client Sign in and Authentication Deep Dive ;Part 4
Scenario: Pure Online (O365) environment, SFB user is homed Online, ADFS is Configured, MA (Modern Auth) is Enabled in O365 NOTE: I have tried my best to ensure the information below is accurate. Some...
View ArticleWaaS : Le 10 Avril 2018 est une date importante !
Nous sommes aujourd'hui le Lundi 9 Avril, veille du 10 Avril ! Demain est une date importante d'un point de vue Windows As A service car c'est la dernière mise à jour mensuelle qui sera disponible pour...
View ArticleOffice 365: Licensing mail users results in mailbox objects.
In Office 365 we allow administrators to create mail user objects. A mail user object is a security principal in the local active directory that also has an external email address assigned. The user...
View ArticleText Analytics in Python – made easier with Microsoft’s Cognitive Services APIs
By Theo van Kraay, Data and AI Solution Architect at Microsoft Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform offers an array of discreet and granular services in the AI + Machine Learning domain that allow AI...
View ArticleOffice 365: Internal forwarding and remote domains…
In Office 365 I often encourage customers to control user forwarding through the user of remote domains. You can find two of my blog posts on this topic here:...
View ArticleWindows Subsystem for Linux and BASH Shell (2018 Update)
Hello Everyone! Allen Sudbring here again, PFE in the Central Region, with an update to a blog post that I did on the Windows Subsystem for Linux and Bash On Ubuntu, found here,(link:...
View ArticleProtected: Invoke-Adversary – Simulating Adversary Operations
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View ArticleMicrosoft Azure Databricks
Lors de l'évènement Datavore 2018 à Montréal, j'ai participé à l'animation d'un atelier sur Azure Databricks. Cet article reprend les différentes étapes de l'atelier que j'ai délivré. Présentation...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure Databricks (English version)
During the datavore 2018 event in Montreal, we delivered a workshop on Azure Databrick. I had to prepare the data preparation and Engineering part of the workshop. In this article I share the content...
View ArticleExcited about Power BI
It has been a while since last I wrote a TechNet blog article. This time I want to share with you my excitement about Power BI & FastTrack. In my role as a Lead FastTrack Manager, I have supported...
View ArticleAzure Short Videos
I recently blogged about Azure Short Videos - few topics are still WIP and I'll update them soon. However, there are links to hundreds of videos already. Azure is a fast moving platform with changes...
View ArticleConfiguration Manager Support Articles
Hello everyone! I often find myself providing support and troubleshooting articles to many customers and thought it would be beneficial to have a central location of links to reference. The links...
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