The Role of Server Groups in App-V 4
The Role of Server Groups in App-V 4 Server groups are for configuring a server or server farm to have alternate provider policies, server-centric application management, and/or alternate logging...
View Article撰寫優秀履歷表的六個步驟:讓 Word 當您的小幫手
Microsoft Word 履歷表設計提示:如何讓項目符號一目瞭然如果履歷表的工作經驗部分含有分項的「重要成就」說明,則只要在每一個項目符號之間加上些許留白,就能夠格外突顯您的成就 (並方便徵才經理快速瀏覽)。以下是在 Microsoft Word 2013 的執行步驟:在分項陳述的任何位置按一下。按一下 [版面配置],然後按一下在 [段落] 群組右下角的對話方塊啟動器。進到 [縮排與行距]...
View ArticleMicrosoft Azure, Active Directory에 대해서… (1)
사내의 ID(Identity)에 대한 중앙 관리와 클라이언트/서버 환경의 중앙 관리(그룹 정책)을 제공하는 형태로 Windows Server의 Active Directory(AD)가 있습니다. Windows Server에서 제공하는 AD는 앞서 언급한 사항뿐만 아니라, Windows Platform에 대한 전반적인 환경 및 기술 사용에 기본적인 역할을...
View ArticleE-kniha zdarma: Introducing Microsoft Azure HD Insight
Pro všechny zájemce o technologii Big Data vydal Microsoft zdarma knihu, a to hned ve třech různých formátech – PDF, ePUB a Mobi. Na 130 stranách je zde představena služba Azure HDInsight. HDInsight je...
View ArticleBecoming an WPA Xpert Part 10: WPR and the Command Line
Hey y’all, Mark back with another update in our now long running series, Becoming an Xperf Xpert. First some housekeeping. This series is going through a name change. As we wrote in Part 6 that Xperf...
View ArticleBecoming an WPA Xpert Part 10: WPR and the Command Line
Hey y’all, Mark back with another update in our now long running series, Becoming an Xperf Xpert. First some housekeeping. This series is going through a name change. As we wrote in Part 6 that Xperf...
View ArticleСохраняйте скриншоты с помощью!
Мы еще больше упростили возможность делать скриншоты во время вашего серфинга по сети – теперь, когда вы отправляете email с URL на адрес, мы добавляем скриншот страницы с содержанием...
View ArticleVinderne af Azure Champ er….
Først og fremmest, tusind tak for din deltagelse. Vi håber at du har synes det har været sjovt at være med og måske også lært lidt nyt.– Som altid vil vi meget gerne høre din mening om konkurrencen, så...
View ArticleVinderne af Azure Champ er….
Først og fremmest, tusind tak for din deltagelse. Vi håber at du har synes det har været sjovt at være med og måske også lært lidt nyt. – Som altid vil vi meget gerne høre din mening om konkurrencen,...
View ArticleTransforming to Active Directory Cmdlets: Part 1
Summary: Learn how to translate between ADSI, Quest, and Windows PowerShell cmdlets to create users in Active Directory. Hey, Scripting Guy!I've got some older scripts that create users by using the...
View ArticleInterview with a Visual C# MVP Wiki Ninja - Sara Silva
Welcome to our Monday interview with a Wiki Ninja!This year I already had the pleasure to present to you a Portuguese Wiki Ninja: João Eduardo Sousa, andpreviouslyin 2013: André Lage. In my struggle to...
View ArticleQ&A With Colin Broadberry: The Thinking Behind Broadberry’s New YellowVision...
Hi Folks –Back in September 2013, I blogged about how Broadberry (a long-time Windows Storage Server partner) and Mirasys—a video surveillance solution provider—were partnering to use Windows Storage...
View ArticleTendências de segurança no setor de saúde
A necessidade mundial de acesso rápido a informações médicas significativas é um desafio cada vez maior para as organizações de saúde. Cerca de 50% dos hospitais e 40% das práticas ambulatoriais estão...
View ArticleTendências de segurança no setor financeiro
Cenários de tecnologia da informação (TI) em organizações financeiras e no setor bancário corporativo no mundo estão mudando rapidamente, em parte por causa da constatação de que mais de 75% dos...
View ArticleTop Support Solutions for Microsoft ForeFront Identity Manager
We’ve gathered together the top Microsoft Support solutions to the most common issues experienced using Microsoft ForeFront Identity Manager.1. Solutions related to the ForeFront Identity Manager...
View ArticleTop Support Solutions for Microsoft ForeFront Identity Manager
We’ve gathered together the top Microsoft Support solutions to the most common issues experienced using Microsoft ForeFront Identity Manager. 1. Solutions related to the ForeFront Identity Manager...
View ArticleTendencias de seguridad en el sector financiero
Los panoramas de tecnología de la información (IT) en las organizaciones bancarias y financieras mundiales están cambiando rápidamente, en parte a causa del descubrimiento de que más de un 75 % de los...
View ArticleTendencias de seguridad en el sector de la salud
La necesidad mundial de un acceso rápido a información médica significativa es un creciente reto para las organizaciones del sector de la salud. Casi un 50 % de los hospitales y un 40 % de las...
View ArticleTop Support Solutions for SQL Server 2008
This is a collection of the top Microsoft Support solutions for the most common issues experienced when using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 (updated quarterly).1. Solutions related...
View ArticleTop Support Solutions for SQL Server 2012
This is a collection of the top Microsoft Support solutions for the most common issues experienced when using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (updated quarterly). Note that some content that applies to...
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