Chef + PowerShell DSC!
BCB Readers – I wanted to call out a great post published today from our friend Adam Edwards over on the Chef blog. Adam has published links to the GitHub repository for the new PowerShell DSC...
View ArticleThe week that was.... by Linda Rendleman
I hope that those of you that attended WPC last week are fully recovered but also energised from what was an exciting and jam packed event. As my first WPC in my new role as partner and business...
View ArticleUnderstanding the new world of Apps for Office and SharePoint
Esta es una excelente sesión de "The Garage Series for Office 365" donde habla del modelo de desarrollo de apps para Office y SharePoint, súper interesante las posibilidades no solo técnicas sino de...
View ArticleColaborar y resolver desafíos
Liaison es un juego desarrollado por cuatro estudiantes brasileños de la Universidade Positivo , con el cual obtuvieron su pase a la final de Imagine Cup 2014. Este desarrollo tiene el objetivo de que...
View ArticleHybrid Configuration Wizard: Exchange server "" was not found. Please make...
When you decommission an Exchange Server in your Organization and have a Hybrid Configuration, one of the things that does not occur is that the server is not removed from the Hybrid Configuration...
View ArticleWorldwide Partner Conference 2014 で見た、急速な発展を続ける Lync パートナー様
(この記事は 2014 年 7 月 17 日に Office Blogs に投稿された記事 Lync Partner momentum continues at Worldwide Partner Conference 2014の翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。)投稿者: Giovanni Mezgec、投稿日: 2014 年 7 月 17 日今週、私は...
View ArticleVil du deltage i AX og NAV brugergruppemøder?
Den 27. august er der NAV brugergruppemøde hos Jeros på Fyn. Læs mere og tilmelding herDen 24. september er der AX brugergruppemøde hos Phase One på Frederiksberg. Læs programmet og tilmelding...
View Articlempp files stored in SharePoint open read only in Project Client
Since I encountered this ever recurring question on our internal community sites and no clear explanation on it, here it is: Scenario : you have Microsoft Project Client installed and you create a new...
View ArticleDirect Access status Always "Connecting" on Windows 8
Have you ever had experience about this issue?I deployed some Direct Access and I've got several problem with this technology, may be "Connecting" issue is the most headache problem.There are many...
View ArticleSmartphone laden dreimal anders: Per Blitz, in der Hosentasche und mit Obst &...
Jeder kennt das Sprichwort “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Weitaus unbekannter ist, wieviel Power in Obst und Gemüse stecken kann – und das im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Microsoft und Carphone...
View Article10 things that wouldn’t be, without your trusty SysAdmin!
Happy SysAdmin day to all!Today’s the day we get to sing the praises of our trusty System Administrator’s, without you guys and girls life would be a whole lot harder to keep on track!In many IT...
View ArticleDirectAccess and get website by internal proxy
I have some clients must use internal proxy to access to some websites (security rules).When they use DirectAccess client outside corporate network, they have problem to access to those websites.If you...
View ArticleTip of the Day: FSUtil.exe Functions Replaced by Windows PowerShell
Today’s Tip… Starting with Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2, much of the FSUtil.exe functionality is being replaced by the following Windows PowerShell cmdlets
View ArticleUna poderosa herramienta para los periodistas
Para Rachel Lenzi, reportera de deportes, es importante ver a su entrevistado, pues considera que leer el lenguaje corporal le ha sido útil para encontrar información más profunda, por esta misma...
View ArticleLa accesibilidad y la tecnología - Asociación de Profesionales de la...
A medida que la tecnología se vuelve una parte cada vez más esencial de nuestra vida, se ha progresado en cuanto a la incorporación de funciones de accesibilidad en algunos dispositivos, servicios y...
View ArticleAcessibilidade e a Tecnologia - Associação de Profissionais da Acessibilidade
À medida que a tecnologia torna-se cada vez mais parte vital da nossa vida, foram feitos progressos para incorporar recursos de acessibilidade em alguns dispositivos, serviços e software. Mas inovação...
View ArticleInstalando Client SCCM 2012 em Servidores Linux
ObjetivoMuitas empresas tem a necessidade de gerenciar servidores Linux, com SCCM 2012 temos a possibilidade que isso ocorra.Abaixo iremos descrever como configurar o ambiente a instalar o client do...
View ArticleHow the Internet of Things Creates New Operational Insight (Trends and Insights)
The “Internet of Things” is made up of connected sensors and devices for just about any type of equipment, from phones to household items to heavy machinery. The Internet of Things makes it possible to...
View ArticleMejorar la calidad de vida y evitar situaciones de riesgo gracias a mil...
Durante Design Expo, que se celebra en la 15° Cumbre Anual de la Facultad de Microsoft Research, estudiantes universitarios presentaron proyectos con base en la siguiente premisa: En un mundo con mil...
View ArticleMicrosoft Enterprise Mobility Suite Video Demo's
The Enterprise Mobility Suite is the comprehensive cloud solution to address your customers consumerization of IT, BYOD and SaaS challenges.The suite is the most cost effective way for your customers...
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