Learnings : Azure Availability Sets
Availability Sets work great to ensure high availability of VMs. The article below describes the feature in detail, hope you find this useful. Manage the availability of virtual machines...
View ArticleSechs Perspektiven für eine vernetzte Arbeitswelt – mein Fazit aus dem Jahr 2016
2016 war ein spannendes Jahr für Microsoft und unsere digitalisierte Arbeitswelt. Die Diskussion um Arbeiten 4.0 ist aktueller denn je, das „Weißbuch“ des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales ist...
View ArticleQNB Finansbank Windows 10 Geçiş ve Ana Bankacılık Dönüşümü
Dijital dönüşüm yolculuğunda Türkiye’nin en başarılı bankalarından biri olan QNB Finansbank, “Mobil Temel Bankacılık” uygulamasının oluşturulmasına 3 yıl önce başladı. Uygulama, şube satıcılarının...
View ArticleКомпания Microsoft поздравляет вас с Новым годом!
Спасибо, что были с нами в 2016 году! 2016 год был полон интересных проектов и новостей. Мы объявили о демократизации искусственного интеллекта, представили Windows 10 Creators Update, объявили о...
View Article새로운 spo csom api nuget
새로운 spo csom api nuget https://dev.office.com/blogs/new-sharepoint-csom-version-released-for-Office-365-december-2016
View ArticleConvert a code in C# to be used in PowerShell
Have a piece of code working in C# and want to use the same in PowerShell? Well, no problem! Open Visual Studio, create a class library, compile it and when you reference your dll in PowerShell –...
View ArticleMicrosoft teams 관리 설정
View ArticleSunday Surprise: Wishing You all a Very Happy New Year 2017
Dear All, Welcome to TechNet Sunday Surprise: Wising all my Wiki Ninja Members, Authors and all TechNet Wiki Family a very Happy and Prosperous New year 2017 New Year with new beginning and let’s all...
View ArticleMicrosoft OEM Windows Server Webinar Recording Available Now
In December the Microsoft OEM group held a webinar for Windows Server 2016, and it’s now available for online viewing. A variety of topics were covered, and if you are looking for an overview of...
View ArticleEncryption using Azure Key Vault – C# and PowerShell
In this post I am going to show how you can encrypt strings using Azure Key Vault. Please refer this documentation for the encryption standards followed by Azure Key Vault. So, lets start by creating a...
View Article(Part 3) Backup is good. Restore is great. But test your data is even better:...
As I mentioned in the previous posts (click here : the contept, the script), “Backup” is one of the key pilars in terms of security. It will not only help you in case you did a mistake (so restore the...
View ArticleDownload The Windows 10 ADK Preview Build 14986
If you are trying to stay a step ahead of the public releases of the Windows ADK, and you haven’t done so already, sign up for the Windows Insider Preview so that you not only get early access to new...
View Article333 tipů pro Widows 10 (236. – 240.)
236. Jak naplánovat optimalizaci? Pokud nechcete na pravidelnou optimalizaci myslet a rádi byste tento proces automatizovali, je možné nastavit plán optimalizace. To provedete ve stejném okně jako...
View ArticleOffice 2016에서 IRM 서식을 불러오지 못하는 증상
[문제 증상] 아래와 같이 IRM 서식을 불러오지 못하는 현상 에러 메시지 [자세한 원인] O365 AD RMS 서버의 주소가 Registry 에 등록되어 있지 않아서 입니다. [해결 방법] Rights Management Services Analyzer Tool 을 이용하여 점검...
View ArticleOffice 365 Weekly Digest | Week of December 25 – 31, 2016
Welcome to the December 25 – 31, 2016 edition of the O365 Weekly Digest. Message Center and blog activity was light due to the holidays, but there are tons of upcoming events to review and register for...
View ArticleInterview with a SQL Server Expert and Wiki Ninja – Prashanth Jayaram
Welcome to another interview with a Wiki Ninja! It’s database time, as we interview… Prashanth Jayaram Let’s look at some of Prashanth’s stats! Prashanth has had an incredible impact on the community:...
View ArticleProblemas al unir un nodo al cluster entre sitios? Problema Resuelto!!
Hola a todos! Volvemos nuevamente con una nota interesante, basada en casos que hemos recibido recientemente, donde se experimenta una falla de comunicación entre 2 nodos de Failover Clúster. Este...
View ArticleStorage migration from Google Cloud to Azure using Azure Functions
My Customer wants to move from Google Cloud to Azure. One of their problems was the storage migration. However, the problem is they have too many files, so the gsutil, which is a tool of Google Cloud,...
View Article【一步進入工業 4.0】缺乏「數據管理」思維,台灣人口中談的只是工業 3.x ──專訪研華科技產品部經理 高信揚
專訪研華科技產品部經理 高信揚 面對數位化、生產線需求的改變,台灣製造業者,不分大小型工廠,都開始關注工業 4.0 的技術發展,因為這些企業主都注意到了,如果製造型企業若不開始思考數位化轉型,就等於在慢性自殺。 不過,在台灣談工業 4.0 的實際應用聲量仍小,大部份的製造業者仍然以為工業 4.0 就是在談設備連網。關於這點迷思,研華科技產品部經理高信揚認為:「其實要談工業 4.0...
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